Monday, March 8, 2010

42夜合艾欢乐游 (NEW Destination...~ Dream Caves)
出发日期 / Departure: 27 / 05 / 2010~ 30-05-2009 Wesak holidays
收费 / Package Price : RM298.00
费用包括 / Package inclusive
冷气旅游巴士44位、住宿(2人一房)、2餐 / Air-cond coach 44seats,
accommodation (Twin sharing), 2 meals
行程 / Itinerary:
第一天 / Day 1 : -
- 晚上集合出发 / Departure
- 途经大道休息站喝茶 / Rest at R & R
第二天 / Day 2 : -
- 到边境休息站梳洗、喝茶、换钱 / Rest at Hatyai bonder R&R for
breakfast and currency change
- 到关卡办理手续 / Proceed custom process
- 前往合艾著名旅游景点坡璃庙 / visit Temple
- 过后前往膜拜千手观音,及天公龙柱 / visit thousand hand guan yin Temple
- 午餐 / Lunch
- 合艾燕窝皮革厂、土产店 / Visit bird nest , leather shop & local product
-回酒店休息 / Check in Hotel
-晚餐 / Dinner
-自由活动 / Free and easy activities
** *另可代安排古方按摩或观赏人妖表演 / For message and
“Ah Gua” show can be arrange under own expenses
第三天 / Day 3 :-
-早餐/ Breakfast
-前往参观合艾新景点 ~ 泰国梦幻仙洞 / visit NEW DESTINATION ~ Dream Caves
-银花瀑布 / waterfall
-午餐/ lunch
-回合艾大巴刹尽情购物..自由活动 / return to hattyai market ...Free and easy activities
第四天 / Day 4: -
- 早餐 / Breakfast
- 离开酒店 / Check out hotel
- 过关卡 / proceed custom process
- 午餐 / Lunch
- 到怡保购买土产(可预订盐鸡、冷藏无骨烧鸭、冷藏熏鸭)/
Stop at Ipoh local product shop
- 晚餐/ Dinner
- 返回芙蓉 / Arrive Seremban-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*行程因气候或其它原因随时更改将不另行通知 / Itinerary subject to change without prior notice due to bad weather or others *
*位子有限,有兴趣者请联络 / Seats are limited, If interested feel free to contact: -
Ms. Tan - 012-681 1559
Ms. Aw - 012- 294 3059
Ms. Wong - 012 –285 3804